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Yolo FCU Mobile


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Yolo FCU Mobile


Free - On the App Store

Have you ever thought of something you needed to get at the grocery store, only to forget to add it to your list? Nothing is more frustrating than being in the middle of cooking and realizing you forgot to get a crucial ingredient because you never wrote it down. This is one reason why utilizing smart home devices has become a normal part of our routine. Whether they save time, money, or energy, smart home devices provide a one-way ticket to home savings.

Connecting switches, lights, and locks to your smart speaker device and phone means you have more control over your home. With voice commands, you can update shopping lists, turn lights off or on, or adjust the thermostat from anywhere in the house (as long as it can hear you). Or imagine that you’re on your way to work and can’t remember if you’ve locked a door—you can save time by quickly checking from your phone.

Another device that has become a lifeline for busy families is robot vacuums. When you have a family constantly on the go between school, work, or extracurriculars, household maintenance can sometimes get put on the back burner. You can schedule these robot vacuums to run when everyone is gone multiple times a week. You’ll save time by eliminating the number of days you need to vacuum your house every month.

Smart appliances have grown in popularity over the last several years and most easily connect to your phone through an app. For example, you can now pre-heat your oven from your phone for dinner, which could give you additional time to spend with your family (or relaxing after a long day). Some refrigerators have an inside camera, so you can check from an app if you need milk while grocery shopping. Avoid leaving wet towels in the washer—that now smell—or work clothes in the dryer that could end up wrinkled by setting up notifications from your washer and dryer. Using smart appliances are not only more energy-efficient, but they often use less water and could save you money on your monthly bills.

Have you considered solar? The reason many people don’t have solar already is likely due to the high up-front cost of owning solar panels outright. However, solar energy is the cleanest and most abundant renewable energy source available and could save you money on your monthly energy costs. Don’t let upfront expenses discourage you from going solar.

If you’ve been thinking about going green by upgrading your appliances or adding solar to your home, but are worried about the cost, then check out Yolo Federal’s Energy Saver Loan. With competitive rates, our Energy Saver Loan helps you reduce your environmental impact without breaking the bank. To learn more about our Energy Saver Loan and to apply, visit our website.

Whether you want to save time, money, energy—or all three—smart home devices are a great place to start. Let a local expert help you get started, so you can spend more time doing the things you love! To speak with a Yolo Federal representative, call (530) 668-2700 or schedule an appointment.