Energy Saver: Green Means Go - Yolo Federal Credit Union Skip to main content

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There’s one thing that many of us can expect to happen during the peak of summer—high energy costs. Especially when we experience 100+ degrees heat for several days, running our air conditioner is usually our only reprieve. Think back to your last electric bill statement. Did the total cost make you want to turn off every electrical appliance in your home? If this sounds familiar, you may be asking yourself, “so, what can I do?” In this blog post, we’ll outline the benefits of going green in your home.

Going Solar

Everyone is talking about solar. It’s because adding solar panels to your home could make a vast difference in your electric bill. However, how much you could save is dependent on a few factors. Think about where solar panels could be placed and consider the direction of your home. Is your home in direct sunlight, and for how long? To estimate how much your home could save with solar, click here.

Other Energy-Efficient Options

Beyond solar, other options are available to help reduce your energy usage that could save you money. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that a typical household can save 25% on utility bills with energy-efficient measures. This could be as simple as updating light bulbs or as in-depth as sealing air leaks and upgrading to dual pane windows. It is estimated that a “whole-house” approach to energy-efficient upgrades could help reduce utility bills by up to 30%.

Paying for Upgrades

One common hesitation with making energy-efficient upgrades is the upfront costs. It’s no secret that some of these upgrades can have a hefty price tag, but it’s the long-term benefits that should be the focus of your decision-making process. For solar installation, look into incentive offers. For example, the residential federal tax credit allows taxpayers to claim 26% of installation costs for systems placed in service by December 31, 2022. Depending on your provider, you can also look for incentive programs through PG&E or SMUD.

For the remaining costs, use an Energy Saver Loan from Yolo FCU and rest easy knowing your energy-efficient dreams are covered. Unlike with a Home Equity Line of Credit, the Energy Saver Loan is a fixed rate throughout the life of the loan, meaning your payments won’t fluctuate based on the rate. So, what exactly can you use your Energy Saver Loan for? Here’s a list:

  • Solar panel installation
  • Dual pane windows
  • Attic/wall insulation
  • Energy Star rated major appliances including:
    • Heating/cooling systems
    • Cool roof systems
    • Most Energy Star rated upgrades

In today’s world, “going green” means you’re taking advantage of the perks that being energy efficient offers. Ready to start making green changes? Apply for the Energy Saver Loan today! To learn more, visit our website, or schedule an appointment with a local representative.