The Resolution Train - Yolo Federal Credit Union Skip to main content

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It’s that time when it seems like everybody makes a resolution to better themselves for the following year. And then the end of January hits us, and resolutions become more challenging to maintain. By the time February 28th hits, are you still on the resolution train, or have you disembarked at one of the previous stations?

Making resolutions is easy:

  • I’m going to be healthier.
  • I’m going to make a budget (and stick to it), so I can spend less.
  • I’m going to travel more this year.
  • I’m going to spend less time on social media.
  • I’m going to…

However, maintaining your resolution could be hard. It doesn’t matter how large or small; sticking with your goal may be your most challenging obstacle. To help, we’ve put together a list of our top 5 tips so that you can accomplish your resolutions this year.

  1. Set fewer resolutions—Picking one or two resolutions will help you focus your attention and to make a better change for yourself. Think through each resolution and be sure you understand how to achieve your goal.
  2. Hold yourself accountable—Have others do it for you. By sharing your resolutions with others, you’re making a commitment, and they can help you uphold your end of the bargain.
  3. Take small steps—We’re not trying to land on the moon in one step (though props to you if that’s your goal!). Every little step in the right direction puts you closer to the endgame.
  4. Reward yourself along the way—You don’t need to wait until the end to reward yourself. In fact, you’re more likely to achieve your goals by giving yourself small milestone rewards along the way. We call that positive reinforcement.
  5. Push yourself and take breaks—Every resolution will have plateaus. This is the time to push yourself and not give in to these stubborn standstills. However, if your resolution is consuming your waking and sleeping thoughts, take a break. Coming back to it with a fresh perspective could be what you need.

Regardless of your resolution, these tips could help you get there. If you’re looking to make some financial resolutions this year, or your resolutions may impact you financially, let us help! As Yolo County’s #1 Best Credit Union, we’re here to serve you and help you reach your goals so you can achieve financial success. Schedule an appointment with a representative today to get started!