If You Connect It, Protect It - Yolo Federal Credit Union Skip to main content

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Yolo FCU Mobile


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As we move into a more digitized world, the need to protect ourselves online has never been more important. However, you may be wondering what exactly you need to do to protect yourself. To help, we created the infographic—If You Connect It, Protect It—to help explain what you should do to keep your information secure online (see below).

Secure your Networks

Wireless routers can be used by cybercriminals to access connected devices, such as your phone or laptop. It is critical to protect your wireless network by updating the default settings and selecting a complex password. If you connect to a free WIFI, avoid conducting banking transactions or anything else that contains your sensitive information. Free WIFI spots are easy ways for cybercriminals to snatch your information right under your nose.

Stay Up to Date

When was the last time you updated the software on your phone or computer? Software updates will change the functionality of your devices and provide security enhancements. Be sure to keep your software updated to the latest versions and run regular scans with your security/anti-virus software.

Double Your Login Protection

Many online sites allow you to enable multi-factor authentication (MFA). MFAs require an additional security step to log in to your account, aside from just a password. Whether they send a code to your cell phone through text or to your email address, these MFAs add another layer of protection to ensure that you are the only person who has access to your account. They also protect you in case your password gets compromised.

No matter what kind of digital devices you use, if you connect it, protect it! For more information on how to protect yourself, visit the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency website.