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  • Loan Rates

    View all current rates on Consumer Loans.

    New and Used Auto

    Loan Type Term in months Minimum Amount Rate as low as APR1 Payment per $1,0002
    New Auto Up to 24 Mo. N/A 3.64% 3.64% $43.26
    Up to 36 Mo. N/A 3.64% 3.64% $29.36
    37-48 Mo. N/A 4.79% 4.79% $22.93
    49-60 Mo. N/A 4.79% 4.79% $18.78
    61-72 Mo. $15,000 4.79% 4.79% $16.01
    73-84 Mo. $20,000 4.79% 4.79% $14.04
    85-120 Mo. 3 $30,000 4.79% 4.79% $10.50
    Used Auto Up to 24 Mo. N/A 5.64% 5.64% $44.16
    Up to 36 Mo. N/A 5.64% 5.64% $30.26
    37-48 Mo. N/A 6.79% 6.79% $23.85
    49-60 Mo N/A 6.79% 6.79% $19.70
    61-72 Mo. $15,000 6.79% 6.79% $16.95
    73-84 Mo. $20,000 6.79% 6.79% $14.99
    85-120 Mo.3 $30,000 6.79% 6.79% $11.50

    APR=Annual Percentage Rate. 100% financing available. Effective Date: March 1, 2025. The APR is accurate as of the effective date. Rates subject to change at any time.

    1 Based on loan balance of $10,000 or minimum amount required for term.

    2 Payment per $1,000 is based on the minimum APR reflected at the maximum term available in range.

    3 Mobility Loans: Extended terms from 85-120 months apply to vehicle loans with mobility options only. Up to 90% financing only. Other restrictions may apply.

    Green Loans: Yolo Federal Credit Union offers a .30% rate discount. To qualify, the vehicle must meet the IRS guidelines for energy efficiency tax credits.

    Healthcare First Responder Discount: Yolo Federal Credit Union offers a .25% rate discount on qualifying fixed-rate loan products for healthcare and first responder professionals. Qualifying loan products include: Vehicle, Recreational Vehicle, Motorcycle, Boat, Real Estate, Home Equity, Signature, and Energy Saver Loans. To receive the discount, the individual must be employed as a nurse, doctor, firefighter, police officer, paramedic, or support professional in the first responder or healthcare system at the time of application and provide proof of employment. Retired healthcare and first responder professionals also qualify for loan discount.

    Rates, Financing Amount and Terms: Some restrictions apply. Rates shown may not apply to every borrower, and the higher rates may be charged to other borrowers depending on their credit qualifications. Rate and term will be determined by member's credit worthiness. A member's creditworthiness will be based, for example, on factors such as debt to income ratios, credit history, employment, etc. For additional details regarding a specific category, please consult a credit union member services officer.

    New and Used Fixed Rate RV/Motorcycle / Boat Loans

    Loan Type Term in months Minimum amount Rate as low as Annual Percentage Rate1 Payment per $1,0002
    RV/Motorcycle/Boat Up to 60 Mo. N/A 7.24% 7.24% $19.44
    61-72 Mo. $10,000 7.24% 7.24% $17.16
    73-84 Mo. $20,000 7.24% 7.24% $14.72
    85-96 Mo. $30,000 7.24% 7.24% $13.26
    97-120 Mo. $50,000 7.24% 7.24% $11.22
    121-144 Mo. $70,000 7.24% 7.24% $9.88
    145-180 Mo. $100,000 7.24% 7.24% $9.12

    Effective Date: March 1, 2025. Rates subject to change at any time.

    1Based on loan balance of $10,000 or minimum amount required for term.

    2Payment per $1,000 is based on the minimum APR reflected at the maximum term available in range.

    Healthcare First Responder Discount: Yolo Federal Credit Union offers a .25% rate discount on qualifying fixed-rate loan products for healthcare and first responder professionals. Qualifying loan products include: Vehicle, Recreational Vehicle, Motorcycle, Boat, Real Estate, Home Equity, Signature, and Energy Saver Loans. To receive the discount, the individual must be employed as a nurse, doctor, firefighter, police officer, paramedic, or support professional in the first responder or healthcare system at the time of application and provide proof of employment. Retired healthcare and first responder professionals also qualify for loan discount.

    Rates, Financing Amount and Terms: Some restrictions apply. Rates shown may not apply to every borrower, and the higher rates may be charged to other borrowers depending on their credit qualifications. Rate and term will be determined by member's credit worthiness. A member's creditworthiness will be based, for example, on factors such as debt to income ratios, credit history, employment, etc. For additional details regarding a specific category, please consult a credit union member services officer.

    Non-Owner Occupied Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOC)

    Loan Index 7.50%
    Margin (+2.00%) to (+3.00%)
    Annual Percentage Rate* 9.50%¹ - 10.50%
    (Fixed for the first 6 months)
    Maximum Amount Financed $500,000
    Purchase/Refinance Loan-to-Value Up to 70%
    Maximum Maturity 25 years
    Annual Fee $50.00
    (Waived for the first year)

    Effective Date: March 1, 2025. Rates subject to change at any time. The APR is accurate as of the effective date. The property must be located in Yolo, Sacramento, Placer, or El Dorado counties or within 50 miles of our corporate office. Property must be a Single Family Non-Owner Occupied Residence in an incorporated area and not listed for sale only.

    *The Annual Percentage Rate (A.P.R.) on all variable rate advances may be adjusted on the 1st day of each month. The A.P.R is based on the value of an index. The index is defined as the Prime Rate as of the first of each month. Rate will be fixed for the first 6 months. Information about this index is regularly published in the Money Rates table of the Wall Street Journal. When a range of rates is published, the highest rate will be selected. To determine the A.P.R that will apply to your line of credit, we add a margin to the value of the index. If this index or the source ceases to exist, the Credit Union will use a similar or substitute index. Some restrictions apply. Rates shown may not apply to every borrower, and the higher rates may be charged to other borrowers depending on their credit qualifications. A member's creditworthiness will determine the maximum amount financed, and the category of rate for which the member qualifies. A member's creditworthiness will be based, for example, on factors such as debt to income ratios, credit history, employment, etc.

    ¹The A.P.R. will not exceed the rate permitted under the Federal Credit Union Act (18.00%) nor will it be lower than a floor of 5.00%.

    All 3rd party fees are waived at closing. If line-of-credit is paid off and closed within 24 months, all 3rd party fees must be repaid to Yolo FCU. Property Insurance is required and flood insurance will be required if property is located in a flood zone. No rate is guaranteed. Rates, terms and other conditions are subject to change without notice. Certain restrictions may apply. The above rates are for informational purposes only.

    Owner-Occupied Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOC)

    Loan Index 7.50%
    Margin (-0.50%) to (+1.00%)
    Annual Percentage Rate* 7.00%¹ - 8.50%
    (Fixed for the first 6 months)
    Maximum Amount Financed $500,000
    Purchase/Refinance Loan-to-Value up to 80%
    Maximum Maturity 25 years
    Annual Fee $50.00
    (Waived for the first year)

    Effective Date: March 1, 2025. The APR is accurate as of the effective date. The property must be located in Yolo, Sacramento, Placer, or El Dorado counties or within 50 miles of our corporate office. The property must be a Single Family-Owner Occupied Residence in an incorporated area and not listed for sale only. Rates subject to change at any time.

    *The Annual Percentage Rate (A.P.R.) on all variable rate advances may be adjusted on the 1st day of each month. The A.P.R is based on the value of an index. The index is defined as the Prime Rate as of the first of each month. Rate will be fixed for the first 6 months. Information about this index is regularly published in the Money Rates table of the Wall Street Journal. When a range of rates is published, the highest rate will be selected. To determine the A.P.R that will apply to your line of credit, we add a margin to the value of the index. If this index or the source ceases to exist, the Credit Union will use a similar or substitute index. Some restrictions apply. Rates shown may not apply to every borrower, and the higher rates may be charged to other borrowers depending on their credit qualifications. A member's creditworthiness will determine the maximum amount financed, and the category of rate for which the member qualifies. A member's creditworthiness will be based, for example, on factors such as debt to income ratios, credit history, employment, etc.

    ¹The A.P.R. will not exceed the rate permitted under the Federal Credit Union Act (18.00%) nor will it be lower than a floor of 4.00%.

    All 3rd party fees are waived. If line-of-credit is paid off and closed within 24 months, all 3rd party fees must be repaid to Yolo FCU. Property Insurance is required and flood insurance will be required if property is located in a flood zone. No rate is guaranteed. Rates, terms and other conditions are subject to change without notice. Certain restrictions may apply. The above rates are for informational purposes only.


    Interest Type Annual Percentage Rate Current
    Index Factor
    $20,000 Variable Rate* 15.50% 7.50% Revolving 8.00%

    Effective Date: March 1, 2025. The APR is accurate as of the effective date. Rates subject to change at any time.

    *Variable Rate Disclosure: Call-4-Cash advances are subject to a Variable Rate which is based on the highest Prime Rate as published in the Money Rates Section of the Wall Street Journal in effect on the 1st day of each month of each year ("index") plus Our Margin. The Index plus the Margin equals the Interest Rate. Changes in the Index will cause changes in the Interest Rate on the 1st day of each month of each year. Increases or decreases in the Interest Rate will result in like increases or decreases in the Finance Charge and may affect the number of Your scheduled payments. Your Interest Rate will never be greater than 18.00% nor less than 8.00% and will apply to Your remaining principal balance.

    Rates, Financing Amount and Terms: Some restrictions apply. A member's creditworthiness will be based, for example, on factors such as debt to income ratios, credit history, employment, etc.

    Consumer Loans

    Loan Type Term Max amount Rate Annual Percentage Rate* Payment per
    Signature Up to 93 Mo. $20,000 8.24% – 16.24% 8.24% – 16.24% $14.58 - $18.97
    Share Secured Up to 60 Mo. 95% of available deposit 5.00% 5.00% $18.87
    Share Secured 60-120 Mo. 95% of available deposit 6.00% 6.00% $11.10
    CD Secured Maturity of CD 80% of available deposit 3% above CD rate 3% above CD rate Varies
    Energy Saver Up to 120 Mo. $35,000 as low as 6.50% as low as 6.50% $11.35

    Effective Date: March 1, 2025. The APR is accurate as of the effective date. Rates subject to change at any time.

    *Based on loan balance of $10,000 or minimum amount required for term.

    †Payment per $1,000 is based on the minimum APR reflected at the maximum term available in range.

    Healthcare First Responder Discount: Yolo Federal Credit Union offers a .25% rate discount on qualifying fixed-rate loan products for healthcare and first responder professionals. Qualifying loan products include: Vehicle, Recreational Vehicle, Motorcycle, Boat, Real Estate, Home Equity, Signature, and Energy Saver Loans. To receive the discount, the individual must be employed as a nurse, doctor, firefighter, police officer, paramedic, or support professional in the first responder or healthcare system at the time of application and provide proof of employment. Retired healthcare and first responder professionals also qualify for loan discount.

    Rates, Financing Amount and Terms: Some restrictions apply. Rates shown may not apply to every borrower, and the higher rates may be charged to other borrowers depending on their credit qualifications. Rate and term will be determined by member's credit worthiness. A member's creditworthiness will be based, for example, on factors such as debt to income ratios, credit history, employment, etc. For additional details regarding a specific category, please consult a credit union member services officer.

  • Visa® Rates

    View all current rates on Visa cards.

    Visa Platinum CashBack Plus Rates

    Type Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
    Purchases 14.24%-18.00%*
    Balance Transfers 14.24%-18.00%*
    Cash Advances 14.24%-18.00%*

    *This APR may vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.

    Effective Date: March 1, 2025. The APR is accurate as of the effective date. Rates subject to change at any time.

    A.P.R. will not exceed 18.00%.

    Paying Interest: We will not charge you interest on purchases if you pay your entire balance owed each month within 25 days of your statement closing date. We will begin charging interest on cash advances and balance transfers on the transaction date.

    How We Will Calculate Your Balance: We use a method called "average daily balance (including new purchases)."

    For Credit Card Tips from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: To learn more about factors to consider when applying for or using a credit card, visit the website of the Consumer Financial Protection at

    Some restrictions may apply. Rates shown above may not apply to every borrower and is based on creditworthiness.

    Visa Platinum CashBack Plus Fees

    Fee Type Fee
    Annual Fee None
    Balance Transfers None
    Cash Advance None
    Foreign Transaction None
    Late Payment Up to a $15.00 after 4 days
    Returned Payment Up to $30.00

    Effective Date: September 1, 2023. The APR is accurate as of the effective date.

    Paying Interest: We will not charge you interest on purchases if you pay your entire balance owed each month within 25 days of your statement closing date. We will begin charging interest on cash advances and balance transfers on the transaction date.

    How We Will Calculate Your Balance: We use a method called "average daily balance (including new purchases)."

    Some restrictions may apply. Rates shown above may not apply to every borrower and is based on creditworthiness.

    Purchases made using the Yolo FCU Visa Platinum Cashback Plus Card earn standard rewards of 2 (two) point per $1 (“Standard Rewards”). Gas and grocery purchases will receive three (3) points for every $1. Qualifying gas and grocery purchases include MCCs 5542, 5541, 5543, and 5411. Rewards will be credited automatically and can be redeemed at any time on amounts greater than $25 at Any declined or reversed charges won’t qualify for the offer. Some limitations or restrictions may apply. Contact a credit union representative for additional details.

    Visa Gold

    Type Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
    Purchases 12.50%*
    Balance Transfers 12.50%*
    Cash Advances 12.50%*
    Penalty APR and when it applies None

    *This APR may vary with the market based on the average of the 6-month U.S. Treasury Bill Rate. Rates subject to change at any time.

    Effective Date: March 1, 2025. The APR is accurate as of the effective date.

    A.P.R. will not exceed 18.00%.

    Paying Interest: We will not charge you interest on purchases if you pay your entire balance owed each month within 25 days of your statement closing date. We will begin charging interest on cash advances and balance transfers on the transaction date.

    How We Will Calculate Your Balance: We use a method called "average daily balance (including new purchases)."

    For Credit Card Tips from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: To learn more about factors to consider when applying for or using a credit card, visit the website of the Consumer Financial Protection at

    Some restrictions may apply. Rates shown above may not apply to every borrower and is based on creditworthiness.

    Visa Gold Fees

    Fee Type Fee
    Annual Fee None
    Balance Transfers None
    Cash Advance None
    Foreign Transaction None
    Late Payment Up to $15.00 after 4 days
    Returned Payment Up to $30.00

    *This APR may vary with the market based on the average of the 6-month U.S. Treasury Bill Rate.

    Effective Date: October 1, 2023. The APR is accurate as of the effective date.

    Paying Interest: We will not charge you interest on purchases if you pay your entire balance owed each month within 25 days of your statement closing date. We will begin charging interest on cash advances and balance transfers on the transaction date.

    How We Will Calculate Your Balance: We use a method called "average daily balance (including new purchases)."

    Some restrictions may apply. Rates shown above may not apply to every borrower and is based on creditworthiness.

    Visa Classic & Share Secured

    Type Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
    Purchases 11.90% to 17.90%
    Balance Transfers 11.90% to 17.90%
    Cash Advances 11.90% to 17.90%
    Penalty APR and when it applies None

    Effective Date: March 1, 2025. The APR is accurate as of the effective date. Rates subject to change at any time.

    Paying Interest: We will not charge you interest on purchases if you pay your entire balance owed each month within 25 days of your statement closing date. We will begin charging interest on cash advances and balance transfers on the transaction date.

    How We Will Calculate Your Balance: We use a method called "average daily balance (including new purchases)."

    For Credit Card Tips from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: To learn more about factors to consider when applying for or using a credit card, visit the website of the Consumer Financial Protection at

    Some restrictions may apply. Rates shown above may not apply to every borrower and is based on creditworthiness.

    Visa Classic & Share Secured Fees

    Fee Type Fee
    Annual Fee None
    Balance Transfers None
    Cash Advance None
    Foreign Transaction 3.00% of each foreign currency transactions in U.S dollars
    3.00% of each U.S. Dollar transaction that occurs in a foreign country
    Late Payment Up to $15.00 after 4 days
    Returned Payment Up to $30.00

    Effective Date: October 1, 2023. The APR is accurate as of the effective date. Rates subject to change at any time.

    Paying Interest: We will not charge you interest on purchases if you pay your entire balance owed each month within 25 days of your statement closing date. We will begin charging interest on cash advances and balance transfers on the transaction date.

    How We Will Calculate Your Balance: We use a method called "average daily balance (including new purchases)."

    Some restrictions may apply. Rates shown above may not apply to every borrower and is based on creditworthiness.

    Business Visa

    Type Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
    Purchases 14.49%*
    Balance Transfers 14.49%*
    Cash Advances 14.49%*
    Penalty APR and when it applies None

    *This APR may vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.

    Effective Date: March 1, 2025. The APR is accurate as of the effective date. Rates subject to change at any time.

    Paying Interest: We will not charge you interest on purchases if you pay your entire balance owed each month within 25 days of your statement closing date. We will begin charging interest on cash advances and balance transfers on the transaction date.

    How We Will Calculate Your Balance: We use a method called "average daily balance (including new purchases)."

    For Credit Card Tips from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: To learn more about factors to consider when applying for or using a credit card, visit the website of the Consumer Financial Protection at

    Some restrictions may apply. Rates shown above may not apply to every borrower and is based on creditworthiness.

    Business Visa Fees

    Fee Type Fee
    Annual Fee None
    Balance Transfers None
    Cash Advance None
    Foreign Transaction 3.00% of each foreign currency transactions in U.S dollars
    3.00% of each U.S. Dollar transaction that occurs in a foreign country
    Late Payment Up to $15.00 after 4 days
    Over the Credit Limit $10.00
    Returned Payment $30.00

    *This APR may vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.

    Effective Date: October 1, 2023. The APR is accurate as of the effective date. Rates subject to change at any time.

    Paying Interest: We will not charge you interest on purchases if you pay your entire balance owed each month within 25 days of your statement closing date. We will begin charging interest on cash advances and balance transfers on the transaction date.

    How We Will Calculate Your Balance: We use a method called "average daily balance (including new purchases)."

    Some restrictions may apply. Rates shown above may not apply to every borrower and is based on creditworthiness.

  • Saving Rates

    View all current rates on Saving Accounts.

    Savings & Secondary Savings Accounts

    Minimum Daily Balance Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
    $0 0.03% 0.03%
    $100 0.03% 0.03%
    $10,000 0.03% 0.03%
    $50,000 0.03% 0.03%
    $100,000 0.03% 0.03%

    Effective Date: March 1, 2025. Last Dividend Declaration Date: February 28, 2025. Rates subject to change at any time.

    Dividends paid from current income and available earnings after required transfer to reserves at the end of the dividend period. Rates are subject to change without notice as determined by the Credit Union’s Board of Directors. Fees could reduce earnings on accounts. Some restrictions may apply.

    Some fees may apply and see additional disclosures.

    IRA, ROTH, Coverdell ESA & SEP

    Minimum Daily Balance Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
    $0 0.03% 0.03%
    $100 0.03% 0.03%
    $10,000 0.03% 0.03%
    $50,000 0.03% 0.03%
    $100,000 0.03% 0.03%

    Effective Date: March 1, 2025. Last Dividend Declaration Date: February 28, 2025. Rates subject to change at any time.

    Dividends paid from current income and available earnings after required transfer to reserves at the end of the dividend period. Rates are subject to change without notice as determined by the Credit Union’s Board of Directors. Fees could reduce earnings on accounts. Some restrictions may apply.

    Health Savings

    Minimum Daily Balance Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
    $0 0.01% 0.01%
    $1,000 0.01% 0.01%
    $5,000 0.01% 0.01%

    Effective Date: March 1, 2025. Last Dividend Declaration Date: February 28, 2025. Rates subject to change at any time.

    Dividends paid from current income and available earnings after required transfer to reserves at the end of the dividend period. Rates are subject to change without notice as determined by the Credit Union’s Board of Directors. Fees could reduce earnings on accounts. Some restrictions may apply.

    Money Market Savings Account

    Minimum Daily Balance Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
    $0 0.00% 0.00%
    $2,500 0.03% 0.03%
    $10,000 0.10% 0.10%
    $50,000 0.10% 0.10%
    $100,000 0.10% 0.10%

    Effective Date: March 1, 2025. Last Dividend Declaration Date: February 28, 2025. Rates subject to change at any time.

    Dividends paid from current income and available earnings after required transfer to reserves at the end of the dividend period. Rates are subject to change without notice as determined by the Credit Union’s Board of Directors. Fees could reduce earnings on accounts. Some restrictions may apply.

    Premium Money Market Savings Account

    Balance Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
    $0 0.00% 0.00%
    $100,000 0.10% 0.10%
    $125,000 0.10% 0.10%
    $150,000 0.15% 0.15%
    $200,000+ 0.20% 0.20%

    Effective Date: March 1, 2025. Last Dividend Declaration Date: February 28, 2025. Rates subject to change at any time.

    Dividends paid from current income and available earnings after required transfer to reserves at the end of the dividend period. Rates are subject to change without notice as determined by the Credit Union’s Board of Directors. Fees could reduce earnings on accounts. Some restrictions may apply.

  • Checking Rates

    View all current rates on Checking Accounts.

    Simply & Student Checking

    Minimum Daily Balance Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
    $0 0.00% 0.00%
    $5,000 0.01% 0.01%
    $25,000+ 0.01% 0.01%

    Effective Date: March 1, 2025. Last Dividend Declaration Date: February 28, 2025. Rates subject to change at any time.

    Dividends paid from current income and available earnings after required transfer to reserves at the end of the dividend period. Rates are subject to change without notice as determined by the Credit Union’s Board of Directors. Fees could reduce earnings on accounts. Some restrictions may apply.

    Simply Free Business Checking

    Minimum Daily Balance Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
    $0 0.01% 0.01%

    Effective Date: March 1, 2025. Last Dividend Declaration Date: February 28, 2025. Rates subject to change at any time.

    Dividends paid from current income and available earnings after the required transfer to reserves at the end of the dividend period. Rates are subject to change without notice as determined by the Credit Union’s Board of Directors. Fees could reduce earnings on accounts. Some restrictions may apply.

    Regular Business Checking

    Minimum Daily Balance Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
    $0 0.02% 0.02%
    $2,500 0.02% 0.02%
    $10,000 0.02% 0.02%
    $50,000 0.02% 0.02%
    $100,000 0.02% 0.02%

    Effective Date: March 1, 2025. Last Dividend Declaration Date: February 28, 2025. Rates subject to change at any time.

    Dividends paid from current income and available earnings after required transfer to reserves at the end of the dividend period. Rates are subject to change without notice as determined by the Credit Union’s Board of Directors. Fees could reduce earnings on accounts. Some restrictions may apply.

  • Certificates

    View all current rates on Certificates of Deposit.

    CD Savings

    Minimum Deposit
    Term in months
    3-5 1.10% 1.10% 1.10% 1.10%
    6-12 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.15%
    13-23 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30%
    24-35 1.35% 1.35% 1.35% 1.35%
    36-47† 1.80% 1.80% 1.80% 1.80%
    48-59 2.30% 2.30% 2.30% 2.30%
    60 2.80% 2.80% 2.80% 2.80%
    Term in months APY**
    7 months 3.25%

    *APY= Annual Percentage Yield.

    Effective Date: March 1, 2025. Last Dividend Declaration Date: February 28, 2025. Rates subject to change at any time.

    Dividends paid from current income and available earnings after required transfer to reserves at the end of the dividend period. Rates are subject to change without notice as determined by the Credit Union’s Board of Directors. Fees could reduce earnings on accounts. Dividends earned will be compounded only if they remain on deposit in the certificate. Penalty imposed for early withdrawal. Some restrictions may apply.

    †Step-Up Certificate accounts will have a fixed rate for the term of the certificate. A one time option to have the rate increased to the rate then being offered may be exercised at any time during the term of the certificate. The new rate will be effective the next business day after a written request is received and will remain in effect until the certificates original maturity date. The rate increase must be in writing by an authorized signer on the certificate account. Notification can be made by fax or mail.

    **Special Rate*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rate accurate and effective February 1, 2025. APY for 7 months is 3.25%. APY. Early withdrawal penalties may apply. $500 minimum deposit required for regular CD. Must be eligible for membership. Rates subject to change without notice. Fees may reduce account earnings. Subject to change at any time. Some restrictions may apply.

    Business CD Savings

    Minimum Deposit
    Term in months
    3-5 1.10% 1.10% 1.10% 1.10%
    6-12 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.15%
    13-23 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30%
    24-35 1.35% 1.35% 1.35% 1.35%
    36-47† 1.80% 1.80% 1.80% 1.80%
    48-59 2.30% 2.30% 2.30% 2.30%
    60 2.80% 2.80% 2.80% 2.80%
    Term in months APY**
    7 months 3.25%

    *APY= Annual Percentage Yield.

    Effective Date: March 1, 2025. Last Dividend Declaration Date: February 28, 2025. Rates subject to change at any time.

    Dividends paid from current income and available earnings after required transfer to reserves at the end of the dividend period. Rates are subject to change without notice as determined by the Credit Union’s Board of Directors. Fees could reduce earnings on accounts. Dividends earned will be compounded only if they remain on deposit in the certificate. Penalty imposed for early withdrawal. Some restrictions may apply.

    †Step-Up Certificate accounts will have a fixed rate for the term of the certificate. A one time option to have the rate increased to the rate then being offered may be exercised at any time during the term of the certificate. The new rate will be effective the next business day after a written request is received and will remain in effect until the certificates original maturity date. The rate increase must be in writing by an authorized signer on the certificate account. Notification can be made by fax or mail.

    **Special Rate*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rate accurate and effective February 1, 2025. APY for 7 months is 3.25%. APY. Early withdrawal penalties may apply. $500 minimum deposit required for regular CD. Must be eligible for membership. Rates subject to change without notice. Fees may reduce account earnings. Subject to change at any time. Some restrictions may apply.

    IRA & ROTH CD Savings

    Minimum Deposit
    Term in months
    12-23 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30%
    24-35 1.35% 1.35% 1.35% 1.35%
    36-47 1.80% 1.80% 1.80% 1.80%
    48-59 2.30% 2.30% 2.30% 2.30%
    60 2.80% 2.80% 2.80% 2.80%

    *APY= Annual Percentage Yield.

    Effective Date: March 1, 2025. Last Dividend Declaration Date: February 28, 2025. Rates subject to change at any time.

    Dividends paid from current income and available earnings after required transfer to reserves at the end of the dividend period. Rates are subject to change without notice as determined by the Credit Union’s Board of Directors. Fees could reduce earnings on accounts. Dividends earned will be compounded only if they remain on deposit in the certificate. Penalty imposed for early withdrawal. Some restrictions may apply.

    Step-Up! CD Savings

    Minimum Deposit
    Term in months
    36-47† 1.35% 1.35% 1.35% 1.35%

    *APY= Annual Percentage Yield.

    Effective Date: March 1, 2025. Last Dividend Declaration Date: February 28, 2025. Rates subject to change at any time.

    Dividends paid from current income and available earnings after required transfer to reserves at the end of the dividend period. Rates are subject to change without notice as determined by the Credit Union’s Board of Directors. Fees could reduce earnings on accounts. Dividends earned will be compounded only if they remain on deposit in the certificate. Penalty imposed for early withdrawal. Some restrictions may apply.

    †Step-Up Certificate accounts will have a fixed rate for the term of the certificate. A one time option to have the rate increased to the rate then being offered may be exercised at any time during the term of the certificate. The new rate will be effective the next business day after a written request is received and will remain in effect until the certificates original maturity date. The rate increase must be in writing by an authorized signer on the certificate account. Notification can be made by fax or mail.