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Yolo FCU Mobile


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We make financial decisions daily. But do you ever wonder, “Am I confident in making this decision?” You’re not alone. Many Americans feel financially anxious—and that number has increased since the start of the pandemic.

We decided to explore how financially savvy Americans are, and we discovered there is some room for improvement. We reviewed the top five financial literacy statistics that caught our attention from an article by The ChooseFI Foundation. Here’s what they found:

  1. 1 in 3 Americans delayed a major decision due to finances.
  2. 4 out of 5 parents wish they learned more about money as a kid.
  3. 59% of parents are uncomfortable talking to kids about money.
  4. 1 in 5 teens lacks a basic foundation for financial literacy.
  5. 74% of teens don’t feel confident about their financial education.

So, how can we increase our confidence when making financial decisions? With financial education, of course. Education gives you the power and the know-how to choose what path will best serve you and your family. Finances and money aren’t black and white. Meaning what works for you won’t necessarily be the best for someone else. Financial knowledge will help you understand your choices so you feel confident in your decision-making.

Our financial education program, Achieve, is full of topic-specific playlists designed to fit your needs. No matter what stage of life you’re at—just getting started, buying a home, entering family life, or preparing for retirement—we have the playlist just for you. Or you can use the questionnaire to create a customized playlist that’s tailor-made to your financial goals. The Achieve program is free to use and an excellent option for our digital learners. Click here to get started achieving financial success!